Creative Evolution

I wasn't going to say all this, but I just gotta....

One of the first blogs I ran across that hooked me was Funky Junk Interiors.  I love Donna's style. When she started her 31-day series, I was still very, very new, and didn't even know what this 31-day thing was.  But with her very first post, I related to the dilemma expressed: I have two sides of me, too!  The one that goes to work by day, and the creative dreamer since childhood doing little projects {or designing and building a house!!} wherever and whenever I could fit it in. 

As I read, I found myself catching fire and cheering Donna on.  With every informative and encouraging post, and me in the peanut gallery shouting some encouragement back, something started to click for me about investing more seriously into this aspect of myself. 

But it was Donna's post on Being Original that really lit me up, because it spoke directly to my core.  I love the creative process, whether I am tackling a more left-brained, logical process in my paying job, or working on a 'creative' project. I love learning, stretching, growing...I'm not much of a settler for the status quo... 

Bewitching Craft Stars {features}!

     Happy Halloween!       Are you ready for some trick-or-treaters? It's time for the Halloween Parade from the Bewitching Craft linky party. Be ready to be dazzled.
     The votes are in and The House Undone leads our parade with two projects by Shellie and Ashlie. Let's break you in gently with this gorgeous pumpkin display:

And they must've raided the catacombs for this goulish trick or treat display

Lori over at Choux-Choux created the 13 Days To Halloween Countdown complete with glass magnets and the CUTEST little storage box for the magnets. Pop over to see the complete ensemble. 

I am absolutely smitten with these striking pumpkin lanterns made by Janny over at Que Linda! Simply elegant artistry. Go check out her tutorial. {Didn’t she do a gorgeous job with the photo, too?}

Ahhh, here comes the cutest little costume quartet with all the right Halloween characters!  Find out how Kaysi over at Keeping It Simple constructed this bunch of sweet door greeters!

You’ll laugh, shiver, grumble and be surprised right along with these whispy, whimsical ghost lights that Cheryl conjured up over at That’s What {Che} Said! Go see a close-up of the mustache guy and the grumpy ghost for a good chuckle cackle.

As a nature lover, the creativity of THIS project took my breath away!!! These pinecones and twigs truly look like spiders dangling from their threads. I want these for my house! With a blog name as creative as the project, you won’t want to miss Leah at Zombies Wearing Helmets. {and see how her cat interacts with the spiders!}

Can you believe this convincing cemetery fence was created with PVC pipe, a strip of hardboard, and foam board? It will front a Halloween Graveyard over at Pricilla’s place: Thrifty, Crafty Girl. She’s doing a full reveal on Halloween, so check out how she did it, and then hit her home button on the 31st!

You’ve gotta go knock on Jessa’s door over at Sparkle Pants Girl to see the full glittery glory of the bats swarming this tree. They’re so sparkly sweet you’ll be batty for them without being scared!

Light the candles… the parade is not over quite yet!  And even when the evening’s done, you’ll still see lasting glow-in-the-dark ghosts from the paint Trish and Bonnie used over at Uncommon. See how they did it!

We’re getting toward the end and need to find a place to park the broomsticks. Oh wait! Here’s reserved parking just for us. Bethany over at A Fish Who Likes Flowers used her cordless power drill to whip up this sign. How convenient!

Artists, you are a STAR at I Gotta Create!, so grab your feature button. Button/code is located at the bottom of the website.

Thank you everyone who linked up to my inaugural party. It was so much fun for me to see and share your fabulous artistry. And really, there are so many more great characters to see, I encourage you to stop by the original party here and check out all the eye candy!

Happiest of Halloweens to each and every one of you!

Keep Creating,

Now join the Abundant Thanks linky party for November!

a final mini march of paraders....
1.  2.   3.  4.  5.   6. 7.  8. 9.  10.   11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.

Abundantly Thankful Monthly Craft Craze #2

Find more napkin photos on Facebook.
A quick tutorial before the party:
Plain napkins play dress up for Thanksgiving. They call to us to notice the blessings and abundance around us. This can be a very quick, no-sew project {but I couldn't help myself and had to add stitching}. 
  1. Print images on colorfast computer fabric (sponsor resource here); pull a few leaves off a fake bush. 
  2. Apply fusible webbing to these elements, and iron them on your napkin. 
  3. Finish up with a little button to embellish.  
My stated intent on Day One of I Gotta Create!:  put a little more joy, humor, beauty and good will out there. So I give you the "Abundant Thanks" Linky Party. Share your creations symbolizing abundance, fall, harvest, gratitude, or thanksgiving. Grab the button on my sidebar and spread the word so that others can join in and see your contribution to the cornucopia. 

  1. Link up to three projects*... afterall, the party lasts three weeks. 
  2. Grab the button and link back to I Gotta Create! on your post or somewhere on your blog.
  3. Consider following or subscribing to I Gotta Create!
  4. Share your love! Comment on a few of the creations you see at the party.
Grab this button on the sidebar to spread the word and then link up!
To spread the gratitude, I'll feature one gorgeous project per week, so join in any time! {*Remember: Link directly to your post, not just your blog. Link all 3 now or come back and link one per week.}  Want to see the Halloween party highlights? A link will be activated here as of October 30th. All projects can be seen here.

You're Up! 

Next Linky Party:  It's a Winter Wonderland of amazing creations... when YOU link up!  I will likely start this party early because, really, we're all thinkin' about and gearing up for the holidays! Follow me to keep up-to-date on the start time.

It's Super Nifty & My Highlight Reel !!

Today is the day! I'm excited and honored to be guest blogging for Vanessa over at {Nifty Thrifty Things}!  If you've hopped on over here from Vanessa's blog: Welcome! If you're one of "my own" then I must introduce you to Nifty Thrifty Things: a beautiful and elegant blog filled with do-it-yourself ideas. Here's an example:
See what I mean? Elegant! 

Vanessa asked her guest stars to share three tutorials. I've posted many goodies since then, so I thought I'd run a highlight reel of my 10 favorite project posts this season.

This crow keeps an ominous nest on a Scarecrow Hat.

A gutsy new move with silverware creates a unique Thanksgiving Gobbler!

A great big hug and thank you to YOU for visiting me, following me, and/or subscribing by email. I love having this creative outlet, and I so appreciate your kind and encouraging comments!  

My stated intent on Day One of the blog was to put a little more joy, humor, beauty and good will out there. We're well on our way. 

PS: If you want to see one of my halloween projects "gone wrong," check out my Facebook page. All in fun!  

Each week this season I discovered and linked up the above projects to the growing list of lovely parties on my sidebar. You'll enjoy visiting them! Monday: CraftomaniacMaking The World CuterMarvelously MessyPolly Want A CrafterProject QueenThe Girl Creative. Tuesday: Tip Junkie Today's Creative Blog. Wednesday: Blue Cricket DesignNest of PosiesSavvy Southern StyleThe Trendy TreehouseVery Merry Vintage Style. Thursday: Katie's Nesting SpotShabby Nest, The Artsy Girl Connection. Friday: Finding FabulousMy Simple Home LifeRomantic HomeTatertots and JelloThirty Handmade DaysWhipperberry. Saturday: Be Different Act NormalFunky Junk InteriorsFrench Country Cottage. Sunday: Nifty Thrifty ThingsUnder The Table and Dreaming. Fall Specials 2011: A Fish Who Likes FlowersSomewhat SimpleThe Lettered CottageCraftaholics AnonymousItsy Bitsy Paper Blog.

The Scarecrow That Didn't

A hat is one accessory no scarecrow should be without! For this Bold Crow, it made the perfect platform to build her nest. 

But wait a minute... that's no egg she's tending. Shiver me timbers, that's frightening!

A Halloween Parade! (& vote)

I give you Mother Nature's "Parade of the Spooky & Peculiar" before we get to our own little Par-tay!
Nature is celebrating the Halloween season around here with her cast of characters. This one sports a beautiful little costume!

Eeewwwww... This one died right in her own web.  Kinda creepy, hu?

Ok... I've always been a bit freaked out by ants. I once fell off a teeter-totter at the high point because an ant was crawling right toward my leg. {obviously this was a long time ago} I'm not usually so squeamish, but I don't know... something about ants...

Yikes! Those multiple eyeballs bored into me while I was window-washing the other weekend. Quite a spooky little costume, dontcha think?

And... click here to check out this WOLF SPIDER WITH BABIES on her back!!

Guess What's In My Silverware Drawer!

The challenge was tossed down: Stretch your imagination! Choose some object, walk around the house with it, then put it to work in a way you've never seen done before.

With very limited time this weekend, I wracked my brain for some simple but effective twist on the everyday objects around me. Inspiration suddenly struck!

Everyone has silverware and kitchen utensils. How could I use these everyday object and see them in a new way?

And during this season, pumpkins are in abundant supply....

My goal was to combine these items in a funky new way...

Yes...yes.... it's taking shape. What do we have here?

Oh, now if that doesn't make you laugh, then you need a closer look at this little geezer's anatomy!

And I neglected to mention: that's mustard on the end of the funnel to create the yellow beak!

This turkey says, "Eat more pumpkin!"  

Thank you Donna over at Funky Junk for challenging us to be brave, take charge and do something different.

Rustic Gourds, Pumpkin and Squash clip art by I Gotta Create!

link up Wednesdays at 7pm CST.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)