Blog Tips Cafe Feature #5 and Party

Have you ever wondered about how to add a tabbed gadget to your blog? Or how to add a signature to your post? 

Melissa over at Serendipity and Spice tells you how in her "I love blogging" series.  Thanks for linking up to the Blog Tips Cafe linky party, Melissa!

There are tips over at the Cafe about how to get folks to linger longer at your site, how to add a print button, and more. C'mon over to the Cafe and link up or browse! Party is open 24-7!

Melissa, you are a STAR at I Gotta Create! Grab your feature button!

Kiss Me I'm Irish Features {Week 2} and New Party Link

Kiss Me I'm Irish linky party is ready with a new link. This Little Leprechaun submitted by Crafty and Cooking Momma is SO perfect for the theme that I had to lead with it. Bravo, Coleen! Go check out the full photo series--so CUTE!  

Party PINNING ETIQUETTE: please click on the artist's link FIRST so they get the credit for their fabulous work. Thanks so much! 

Many of us were rocking' with the party spirit... I had fun with Party Hats  and Pom Poms this week. 

Lindsay was partying, too. This sweet banner is part of a fantastic Airplane Birthday Party by Southern Lovely for her 1-year-old. You gotta go see the rest!

French inspired kitchen clipboard by Petites Passions. She shares that it's perfect for holding recipe cards while cooking in a small kitchen.  

DIY fabric tape by Cameron Homemade.   I can think of so many great uses for this!

Pondered, Primed, Perfected soothes some spring fever with this Bench Makeover. 

Modge podge canvas projects by My Heart's Desire. Amanda has tutorials for initials and darling Christmas trees. 

Spring Wreath by Craft Chickie. So cheerful and uplifting!  

Rolling pin apron rack by Bringing Beauty. Fantastic idea!

Some of my favorite projects are featured in the Kiss Me I'm Irish Artist Talent Album on Facebook, so go check those out. And I just had to pin the industrial faux metal stencils by Knick of Time, so check that out, too!

All of you featured here, on Facebook or on Pinterest are STARS at I Gotta Create! Grab your feature button!

Link up your creations for Week 3 of Kiss Me I'm Irish! It doesn't have to be strictly a St. Patty's Day project, but it does need to be something you created yourself!

PomPoms from Plastic Bags Tutorial

BIG Cheers for these fantastic Pom Poms made from the common plastic grocery bag! There are so many fun ways to use them.

Here's one example. Pom Poms are the perfect topper for colorful party hats.  

Party Hat Parade!

It's the Party Hat Hit Parade!  I dare you to try not to smile when wearing one of these colorful, festive and fun hats. Impossible!

Smiles and laughter are inevitable in these rockin' party hats!

Kiss Me I'm Irish Features {Week 1} & New Link

So much talent! Thank you for linking up and inspiring us each week. A new party linky has opened!

Party PINNING ETIQUETTE: please click on the artist's link FIRST so they get the credit for their fabulous work. Thanks so much! 

Most viewed link:
Playing with paper and paint: Mixed Media Art by Ms. Smartie Pants. Way to go!

More loved projects:
Clock from a basket by The Consigner Designer. I LOVE this!

Coolest Pillows Ever! by My Life as a Trophy Wife. She gives a full tutorial.

The Reading Nook by Creatively Living. Go see how she made the benches, pillows and curtains!

Paper Shamrocks by Chicken Scratch. So doggone cute!

Soda Crate Flower Boxes by The Old Block House. We need some spring inspiration! Thanks!

Kids Vintage Kitchen by Junk Mama.  Awww...any kiddo would want to play here!

Irish Soda Bread Muffins by Our Life in a Click. Sweet chef and recipe :)  She also has a wealth of St. Patty's day projects.

Ruffles and Rose Scarflette by Hannicraft. So cuddly!

How to make basket liners by All Artful. See the before and after!

More projects are featured on Facebook and Pinterest

Artists, you are STARS at I Gotta Create! Please grab your feature button <3

{larger button code available at bottom of blog}

Here's this week's new party link:

Celebrating Friends

Just a quick post to say how much FUN I've been having celebrating with some friends over this 3-day holiday weekend! Special overnight visits, birthday celebrations, hugs and laughter, great meals, cake and ice cream, walks down country lanes, and looooong talks into the evening.  It doesn't get any better than that!  I have so much to share in coming posts, but I'm giving a little sneak peek of some birthday card fun. Instructions will be coming!

I couldn't help but wrap their gifts in a Giant Hershey-Filled Kiss! Instructions for that fabulous project are *HERE.*

Kiss Me I'm Irish Linky Party! Craft Craze 5

Feel free to browse. The most current party info is HERE!

Party Pinning Etiquette: Click on the Artist's Link First Before Pinning to respect these artists intellectual property and give them proper credit. Thank you.

Kiss and Tell becomes the Kiss Me I'm Irish linky party to celebrate our next holiday! The New Year started with a kiss at midnight and the love  keeps flowing right on through Valentines and on to St. Patty's Day! That gives us almost 5 weeks to show off your DIY, decor, art, crafts and other creative endeavors here every Wednesday starting at 7pm CST.
Just like before, we'll sport a fresh link-up each week in this very spot so you can peruse the great projects from previous weeks. That's lingering exposure for all your great work!!

I'll be giving your projects shout-outs on Facebook, featuring you on my blog, and Pinning my super favorites.  So grab the party button and join the fun!!

Rules:  {1} Link to your post, and not just your blog. {2} Link back to I Gotta Create! in your post or blog and help promote the party. {3} Link up only your self-made projects. No etsy's, give- aways, pinterest round-ups, link parties, etc.  {4} Spread some love by commenting on others' work. {5} I'd love it if you joined my blog as a follower or subscriber.

I will always strive to respect you as artists and creators and will ask all Visitors to Pin from your original post. 
{That also means I do not put a pin button on the party or feature page.}

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A new party opens up Wednesday at 7pm CST!!
Need some advice or tips about blogging? Click up there, too!
Remember...we want to comment on the lovely projects you link up. Please turn off word verification to make that easy. If you don't know how to turn off WF, click on the blog tips party link above and visit Link #1.

Kiss Me I'm Irish, Week Three 

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Kiss Me I'm Irish, Week Two

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Kiss Me I'm Irish, Week One

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Kiss & Tell Features {Week 6} & New Party

Here are our FABULOUS FEATURES from Kiss And Tell!

PARTY PINNING ETIQUETTE:  Click on the artist's link FIRST so they get the credit, as per Pinterest's guidelines.
Thank you!

Mini Antique Mannequins by Janet of All Trades

{DIY} Giant Hershey-Filled Kisses Tutorial

DIY giant hollow Kisses that you can fill for #Valentines Day! | #recycling tutorial at I Gotta Create!

Here's how you make a Giant Hershey-Filled Kiss! It's easy, costs next to nothing, and uses materials you already have on hand. Ready?!

Giant Hershey-filled Kisses!

DIY giant hollow Kisses that you can fill for #Valentines Day! | #recycling project at I Gotta Create!

Here's a Valentine S.W.A.K. for you, 
filled with a sweet surprise. This is literally 
the sweetest Valentine garland you could make!

This wonderful ribbon inspired the little flags 
mimicking what you see on Hershey's kisses.

Valentine Heart Cone Tree Tutorial

Valentine paper heart cone trees! | tutorial at I Gotta Create!

     Fabulously fun and easy to make, the ever-popular cone tree wears its heart on its sleeve in this Love-ly Valentine version!  Here's how to make a Valentine Heart Cone Tree:

#Valentine heart paper cone trees! | tutorial at I Gotta Create!
Start with just a bit of card stock paper in pinks and lavender and these basic supplies. I love this little lopsided heart punch!