Resolve to Recycle: Free Gift Tags Download

Did you make a resolution for 2012? 
Here's mine: I want to help make recycling and upcycling so cool that everyone wants to do it.

In fact, I'd like to make it positively scandalous NOT to recycle, reuse, and repurpose everyday items!
Can't you hear it now?
    "Gasp! Egads, Reginald....we have a non-recycler in our midst!"
"Surely you must be mistaken, Darling..."

Just kidding about the scandalous it because it's cool, it's good for the planet, and it stretches your creativity and imagination!

You've probably seen my projects like the PAPERLESS gift wrapping tutorial...

...or using everyday items like aluminum foil to create fabulous blingThere's so much more on the way in 2012!

So, here's the deal. To get this  R3 ball rolling...
{What's R3? Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose!}

...I've created a gift from me to you:  a free page of 12 printable Gift Tags

These gift tags will help explain your zany upcycling antics while revving up the Cool Factor and creating R3 converts.

Let's make the movement go viral, shall we?
Stay tuned for more amazing R3 projects!
Find the "how to" at PAPERLESS Gift Wrap Tutorial. Click Here

While you're visiting, check out the Best of 2011 here at I Gotta Create!

Check out my latest linky party and join the fun here at I Gotta Create!  I'll be sharing these free printable tags at:
AND with the 2012 1st Project of the Year party.


  1. Oh I LOVE it... But I think I LOVE the Conversation with Reginald BEST!! Happy Happy New Year to you!!

  2. I. Am. In.
    Great post, and I love your tags! The artistic 'earth' is really cool. I would say that, yes, downloadable is a word, no hyphen. :) Thanks!

  3. I guess I should have asked first, but I posted a pic from your blog to spread the word about R3, with a link back here to your freebie post. I assumed, (usually a bad idea), that that was ok, since you said ...movement go viral... here is my blog address:

  4. That's totally WAY cool, Lori! Thank you SO much <3

  5. Great idea! Thanks for sharing the printable!

  6. Good idea to make it scandalous to not 3R. I am afraid though, that too often I'd be the ONE whispered about who doesn't. ;)

    My daughter is totally on board and makes art from recycled items. I am shooting her an email with the url to this post.

    I resolve to get better at 3Ring this year. Thanks for the gentle and creative push!

  7. the photo and caption!
    In complete agreement...thanks for the reminder and tags!

  8. Totally love the idea :) I'm so into recycle and handmade things - PS: my wallets is made out of an old milk carton

  9. You have such a fun blog. I am so glad I discoverd it. I would love for you to guest post on my blog.
    I have a challenge in February that i am working with a sponsor for. They would send your products and you would craft with them.
    Let me know if you are interesed.

  10. I commend you for wanting to make recycling and re-purposing viral. I try to recycle as much as I can. What I can't I give away and hope someone else will recycle the item.

  11. LOVE your blog! I'm your newest follower ;) Hoping you can follow me too as we travel on the art train! Love it! Alyssa of Boston Bee

  12. What a great idea...and earth friendly! Love It! So glad you linked up at Overflowing with Creativity!!! See you this Wednesday!

    XO, Aimee

  13. I love those aluminum foil snowflake cards. Truly inspiring!! You have inspired me to try to recycle MORE in my crafting! Thanks for linking up to Oopsey Daisy! See you again Wednesday!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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