Christmas Parade STARS 2011

...Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland....
Your Blizzard of Creativity made the Winter Wonderland party successful! Thank you! With three rounds of features this month, many shout-outs on facebook, and some pins, it's now time for the grand finale...

Let The Christmas Parade begin ….!  And please, if you see projects you like, click on the link to visit the artist to pin. Thanks!

A handsome ice skate vignette by Finding Secret Treasures. Go check out the hand-made nativity, too.
 Button wreath by Jenni Can Knit. She also has some awesome nesting doll ornaments!
 Sofa table block art by Her-Ballistic Garden. This dog could get any table scrap asked of me!
 Lighted tablescape from glass ball ornaments by Katalina Jewelry. Christmas ornaments as vases. Gorgeous!
 Vintage ornaments by Kim's Craft Cottage. Love the Santa.
 Teal wreath by Make The Best of Things. You won't believe the mileage she's gotten from this wreath. I love this version's colors.
 Joy & Peace blocks by The Old Block House. Wishing everyone a bunch of that this holiday!
 Together Vase by Patina Marie made with 'ice resin.'  Fabulously Frosty and Fantastic!!
 Rosette Ornament by Que Linda!  Glorious color and texture!
 Western Winter by Ruby Jean. Use your natural resources...if you don't have snow, build a snowman from tumble weeds! I love it!!
 Rustic Tree Topper by Shabby Love.  Love, love, love it!! She has another mega-hit in her Nature Inspired Wreath that was featured in Round 2 of this linky party.

 Christmas glitter lights by Tres Michelle. Wouldn't these be perfect embellishments for packages, too?
 Believe Box by Under a Pile of Scrap.  I love the rustic feel with the ticking and embroidery.
Christmas interior ideas by The House Undone.

 Ice skate swag by A Weemeenit. This can stay up all winter long!
 Gingerbread lollipop by Creating Your Home.  No calories here!
DIY Christmas soap bottle at Mudpie Studio. Upgrade any bottle you have on hand...
 Candy cane reindeer by Zombies Wearing Helmets. Fun to have the rainbow for Christmas
Five years of Christmas Cards by Chicken Scratchny. Pets that will make you laugh or say awwww!
Layered Ribbon Trees by Sparkle Pants Girl. Great texture in shades of silver.
Denim stockings by The Goat Granny. Rustic and a great upcycle!
Low cost yarn ornaments by Money Saving Enthusiast. I had to take a second look to see they are knitted, not baked!
Sheet music ornament by Turtles and Tails. I heard the bells on Christmas day...
DIY whimsy heart ornaments by ReMade Simple. Whimsical, indeed, with tutorial included!
Burlap star ornament by Cameron Homemade. Simple rustic charm.
Pottery Barn-ish tree by It's Overflowing. No Christmas parade can be complete without a tree, and this is a true beauty!

Our parade cannot end without the "Stars" from Rounds 1, 2 and 3... 
Continue along the parade route to these artists links *here* 

Continue along the parade route to these artists links *here*

Continue along the parade route to these artists links *here*

You all {viewers and artists} help make the monthly party successful. I hope my highlights on facebook and pinterest bring the artists extra viewers, and I invite you to join me there.  

Listen to that urge that says, "I Gotta Create!" can make you a STAR!  Parade Stars: I'd love it if you grabbed a feature button :)

Stay tuned for the party that starts next week. It will be new and improved!



  1. Thanks Christina for featuring my Sofa Table Block Art! I'm thrilled that you loved them so much! I have to come back later and check out all the other features (in middle of making Christmas dinner and felt the pull of the computer...argh!) because they're all sooo beautiful!


    Merry Christmas!

  2. I know it's the holidays, so I'll be keeping all your Fabulous creations up through December 26th!! <3

  3. Thank you so much for featuring me! Everything looks simply beautiful - Merry Christmas!

  4. Anonymous24.12.11

    Thank you so much for featuring 2 of posts! It's a wonderful parade! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. What a beautiful tour. So many fabulous Xmas photos and ideas!

    Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year too =)


  6. Thanks for featuring me! Merry Merry Christmas!

  7. Fabulous parade of ideas, Christina! Thanks for including me! Merry Christmas!

  8. Thanks Christina!

  9. Thanks for letting us all "play" at your party and featuring my creation..xoxo


  10. Thank you so much for featuring my star tree topper Christina!! You made my day! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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