Tinfoil Tree Ornament Tutorial!

Bring out your aluminum foil! 

I'm showing you how to make beautiful Tinfoil Tree Ornaments for the Holidays.

If you haven't seen all the lovely photos of the Tinfoil Tree Ornaments, click *here.*  

Let's roll up our sleeves and get busy making some now.

Are you ready?! 
Here we go...

Cut out the Tinfoil Tree Ornament Templates.

Here is your template. Click on it for the full size and simply print!

From one sheet of card stock, you'll be able to make 5 little cones like this. Just tape it to hold the cone shape for your next steps. 
{Leave a little hole in the top for the twine or ribbon from which you'll hang your ornaments.}


You will make three different types of textures and patterns for your trees.  
(3) Make the "Waffle Cloth" {instructions here} that is used for creating the snowflake cards and other goodies.
(4) Make the simple "corrugated" foil by folding it in thirds and feeding it once through your crimper. Cut it with wavy scissors.
(5) Use a larger patterned wavy scissor to cut white card stock so your trees will look snowy. 

(6) Then simply hot glue the layers to your cone form. Start with the 'corrugated' tinfoil for the bottom layer.
(7) Add a layer of "snow"
(8) Add a layer of patterned waffle cloth.

Keep alternating the layers up the tree in that manner. Piece it together, using your scraps. In fact, notice when you punch a snowflake, you have the negative space left on the foil ~ use that on your trees. 

You'll have snowflakes for your cards and the rest for your trees ~ no waste that way!

Before you glue the top tinfoil layer on, make a loop of twine or string, knot it, and bring up through the cone so you can hang your ornaments.

Use your favorite color of glittery glue to make little "ornament" dots on your trees.

Now you know how to make beautiful Tinfoil Tree Ornaments!

Check out The Best of 2012!


  1. So pretty Christina! I love the aluminum foil that has been put through the crimper.

    Warmly, Michelle

  2. You left a comment on Marty's Musings about my Instant Russian Tea recipe. Thank you so much and I hope you get to enjoy some this year! Thank you for hosting a link up every week. I know it's a lot of work!

  3. Anonymous27.11.12

    Really creative! I pinned it to pinterest. Found you through Creatively Tuesday.

  4. So cute, Christina! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial! :)

    xoxo laurie

  5. Anonymous2.12.12

    How adorable are these! I love them!!

  6. Very elegant. Fantastic creations. I'm sharing this on my Once Upon a Firefly FB page.


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