Rootin' Tootin' Root Beer Float

It's one of the very best summertime treats: a Root Beer Float! This classic is great whether you serve it up for a birthday, a cook out, movie night or "just because." We serve it here with a twist...

We recently found a Root Beer we just love, and enjoyed it along with some popcorn on a weekend movie night. Fun! You can see how to make the faux leather fringe popcorn bags *here.*

And of course, root beer floats are perfect for July 4th celebrations 

The next day it clicked: it's been years and years since I've had a Root Beer Float!  

I made this one with a twist: a scoop of Neapolitan ice cream instead of just vanilla.  

It was pretty good, but honestly you just can't beat vanilla ice cream in root beer.

I LOVE the froth and that crunchy layer of root beer ice that forms on the outer edge of the ice cream. Isn't that the BEST?!

There are a few summer rituals that we simply must hold on to: running through the sprinkler, cookouts on the grill, and Root Beer Floats! What's one of your favorite summer treats?

Want to try something really different and refreshing? You can make your own Lavender Cream Soda. Just *click here.*

Or, make your own Simple Syrup to dissolve sugar easily in cold drinks like lemonade, limeades, iced coffee, and so much more! Click *here* for the how-to!

Make your own straw caddy for those fun, summertime drinks. The tutorial is *here.*

Learn how to make
Easy Paper Snack Bowls!

{I host a weekly linky party. Come find out more here!  I'm sharing this Rootin' Tootin' Root Beer Float summer tradition with...Monday:  CraftomaniacMaking The World CuterProject QueenThe Gunny SackAlderberry HillA Round TuitSkip to My LouCherished BlissTuesday:  Not Just a Housewife, The DIY Dreamer, Tip JunkieToday's Creative BlogUncommon, Gingersnap CraftsThe NY Melrose Family; Wednesday:  The 36th Avenue, Live-Laugh-Rowe, No Minimalist Here, Nest of PosiesSavvy Southern StyleSomeday Crafts, The Trendy TreehouseVery Merry Vintage StyleFamily Home and LifeWhat We Wore & Made, SnapThursday: Somewhat Simple, My Repurposed Life, Shabby NestFriday:  Funky Junk InteriorsAnything Goes, Finding FabulousMy Simple Home LifeRomantic HomeFrench Country CottageTatertots and Jello, Thirty Handmade DaysFaith Trust & Pixie DustNaptime Crafters, Too Much Time on my Hands, Stuff & NonsenseSaturday:  Be Different Act Normal,  It's OverflowingSisters of the Wild WestSunday: Nifty Thrifty Things, DIY Project Parade, Under The Table and DreamingMy 1929 CharmerSew Darned Crafty}


  1. Oh you know how to make a girl long for a cold float on a really hot day! I may have to run to the store!!

  2. You have such a talent for making the root-beer float look so delicious and festive. Happy partying!

  3. My favorite part is the crunchy part on the ice cream!!!! We are soul sisters for sure!

  4. I love Rootbeer Floats - I'll have to try the neapolitan ice cream next time. Great idea :)

  5. I can't remember the last time I had a rootbeer float... now I'm craving one! YUM!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Have a great day! :)

  6. What a great idea! Root beer floats are my favorite. I'm going to have to try this version out soon. Megan

  7. this is great. Found you via the live laugh linky. I have linked in a beef dish. Have a super day.

  8. I just may have to run to the store for some root beer and ice cream. Looks delicious!

  9. I just love root beer floats. I know what I'm doing for the 4th!

  10. You're making me want a root beer float, but I gotta agree that I can't imagine anything beating the vanilla.

  11. I think this is just adorable. Week after week I just get blown away when I see what other creative bloggers come up with.

    Blue Bunny Ice cream?? Do you also live in Iowa?

  12. RB floats are a family fav here, so always looking to see if there is a "twist" on a favorite.


  13. *love* root beer floats...used to make all kinds of float comboc: strawberry ice cream with cream soda was another fav.

  14. The faux leather fringe popcorn bags are so creative! I saw your root beer float link at a linky party and had to come see what the "twist" was, and it's such a funny one! Funny for me, because as a kid, I always wanted just plain vanilla ice cream for my root beer float, but some strawberry and/or chocolate would make it's way in there since we usually only had neopolitan ice cream in the freezer. My mom would only buy one tub of ice cream and it had to be neopolitan so that we would have all 3 flavors. To this day, I have never bought neopolitan ice cream for my own freezer! Lol.

  15. Oh my goodness...I am totally craving a root beer float now! Found you at Cherished Bliss Craft & Tell. I'm now a follower! Would love to have you stop by for a visit! Blessings ~ Judy

  16. How wonderful! I haven't had a root beer float in so long. I found you and your blog through Show Me What Ya Got. Thank you for sharing.

  17. This looks so yummy, what a creative way to put a root beer float together with the popcorn, bags, etc!

    Thanks for linking up at the Summer Fun Party, I wanted to let you know that as a Co-Hostess I featured you today on my blog. Head over and check it out, and be sure to grab your "I've Been Featured" button :)

    Have a great 4th of July!

  18. Ice-cream floats (or spiders as we call them here in Australia) are the perfect treat for a hot summer's day!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  19. I love root beer floats, too! I grew up drinking coke floats in OK, but my husband (from Iowa) had never heard of such a thing! I love your photos - it makes me want to drink one right now!

    Kathy - I found you through link up

  20. That reminds me of road trips with the family and stopping at an A&W for of course...a rootbeer float! Good times! Thank you for reminding me.

    Leanne @ The Burlap Cottage

  21. looks so good! I'm featuring you today : )


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