31 Days of Gratitude: Travel

Planes, trains, automobiles,
boats, boots, wheelchairs,
bicycles, buses, cyberspace,
books, magazines, imagination...

whatever your method for 
getting around,
the adventures
awaiting us each day are amazing.

We travel to and from work,
Go on holidays,
Run our household errands,
and take our imagination
to new places, ideas,
and possibilities.

There are so many ways to explore and connect!


I am grateful for the ability to go where I need to go.

I am thankful for opportunities to experience new places and customs.

I recognize through my inner and outer travels how connected we all really are, whether or not we remember it in any moment.

How deeply might your life be enriched  
after practicing 31 Days of Gratitude?  


  1. My feet are still my favorite method of travel! I'm grateful for them everyday...someday I won't be able to walk so much and I'm enjoying every minute of it until that day!

  2. I'm a new GFC follower from the Wildly Original Party and I've really been enjoying your site. I will be checking in on you from time to time!

    TracyAnn from http://asktracyann.crochethappy.com


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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