31 Days of Gratitude: Teachers

I am grateful to my teachers.
every. single. day.

Aren't you? Our formal education provided essential tools
for navigating effectively in the world.

We drink deeply from those who love their job, their subject matter, their students...
And we even learn from those who do not ~
For both serve as living examples to compare and contrast
as you mature
to decide how you want to approach your life and work.

Some help you broaden your knowledge base, 
some to attain specific skills, 
and a few even help you learn critical thinking skills to unlock the doors of dogma and enter into a more intimate relationship with the flow of thoughts and ideas.

But it is the recognition
that everyone 
and every thing
and every event
is your teacher
that will broaden and deepen your education
And bring it to Life.

Your teachers come in the form of your children, your pets, your parents, your spouse, your neighbors, your friends, your "enemies," your garden, your travels, your favorite authors, your spiritual community, your coworkers, your feelings, the events unfolding at this moment, your inner wisdom....

the list is endless.

Today I look at everyone and everything to see what it has to teach me.


I am grateful for all the teachers who have helped me broaden my knowledge, attain skills, or who demanded critical thinking.

I am grateful for the life lessons embedded in all things, 
if I tune in enough to be able to recognize and learn.

I am grateful to my teachers of all varieties for helping lift me to greater levels of awareness and understanding.

How deeply might your life be enriched  
after practicing 31 Days of Gratitude?  


  1. Another great lesson! This one also hits close to home as both of my husbands parents were teachers who were passionate about their jobs and it showed. You are right, there are many people who teach us in this life. You are sure teaching me a lot with this series. Thank you!

  2. Thank you for this perspective. So often in my week at medical school I find myself struggling with my educational process. There are teachers I admire certainly, for whom I am grateful. But,I can't tell you the number of times I have come home to my greatest teachers: my daughter, my partner, my family, my friends. And so often, it has been the trees that offer my greatest inspiration. This week, thank you for being one of my greatest teachers! I may just finish this degree yet. ;)


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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