31 Days of Gratitude: Food

This gorgeous planet is a living cornucopia that is balanced to supply us with all our physical needs.

Its number and variety of gifts are staggering.

And yet, do you find yourself on autopilot sometimes, 
taking it all for granted
~ even getting impatient in line at the market?

The power of gratitude
to open the heart 
to the seemingly smallest of things
reveals its significance...
the fact that 
nothing is small.


I am grateful to have enough to eat.

I am thankful for the quality and variety and the beauty of the food available to me.

I am thankful to the farmers who tend the crops, and especially those who work with nature for sustainable practices.

I am grateful for the health and vitality that nourishment brings to my body.

I am thankful for all who help nourish those who hunger.

I am willing to shop and eat consciously to create health within my body, for the planet, and for the farmers who tend the food.

I envision a world where
everyone can obtain healthy food.

How deeply might your life be enriched  
after practicing 31 Days of Gratitude?  


  1. Wonderful post about something we tend to take for granted. I'm also thankful for spices that make so many foods taste even better!

  2. Wonderful post. It's true most of us do take life for granted. We should always appreciate each day and the things we enjoy in our lives.

  3. Anonymous17.10.12

    All my life, I have been blessed with family gaardens.As an adult, I am a gardner, love the fresh food and love to share>

  4. I am grateful for your post. Beautiful thoughts!

  5. So beautifully written! What a great reminder about the things we so often take for granted. I have so enjoyed your Gratitude posts. So inspiring!! Thank you so much for sharing this week at A Bouquet of Talent. Love having you!! :)

  6. Wonderful post series!


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