31 Days: Gratitude for Work

You can think of it as a job, you can see it as work, or you can experience it as your contribution and gift to the world.

I'm talking about what we commonly call work.


Whether or not you are paid for the tasks you undertake throughout the day 
and the talents you share, 
you spend a huge portion of your time "working." 

And you reap the fruits of your labor in one way or another...

So it deserves your attention and intention ~ yes?

Interestingly, when I look up the word "work," 
many of the synonyms are disheartening and 
I immediately notice an antonym: 

Now that is a definition that needs re-working!

I like how physics speaks of work:
"Energy transferred by a force"

So I ask myself as I prepare for the day... As I begin my next task... As I do what needs to be done:

What kind of energy am I transferring?


What kind of force am I being in the world?

If you work with joy, a sense of meaning, a desire to contribute
...and yes: a playfulness that invites connection and creativity...
Then the energy transferred bears a sweet fruit 
in ways seen and unseen


I am grateful to have meaningful work where I get to make a contribution to my family, community and self.

I am thankful to be able to express my creativity in unexpected ways through the tasks I undertake.

I am grateful for the health and ability to undertake the tasks that make my home comfortable and enjoyable.

I am thankful to earn a living making a difference.

How deeply might your life be enriched  
after practicing 31 Days of Gratitude?  


  1. Ahhhh....I have to say I love my job. I only work 2 days a week, helping out a friend....who owns an awesome wine store. (Talk about reaping the fruits of your labor!) I was just going to help until she found someone else, but, I'm still there!

  2. Great post! Regardless of employment status, work brings joy and satisfaction. Thanks for the reminder to be happily productive.


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