Kiss Me I'm Irish Features {Week 3} and New Party Link

Kiss Me I'm Irish linky party is ready with a new link. But first, this adorable project brought up a forgotten childhood memory... My granny made us knitted Cradle Purses, and The Emmaline Blog shared her lovely colorful fabric version. Check them out!

And here's more of your amazing talent this week. Remember our Party Feature PINNING ETIQUETTE: click on the artist's link FIRST so they get the credit for their fabulous work. Thanks so much! 

Junk Mama shares with us her Biggest Solo Project To Date... She made bunk beds for her girls and they are TOTALLY AWESOME FABULOUS! Go check 'em out!

Dollhouse unveiled by Caught My Fancy. Look closely...this was an entertainment center and that front door slides open. Go see the before and after pics, along with how it looks with the front door open. So fun!

Versatile marinated vegetables by Permanent Posies. She shows you lots of ways to use these beauties, including NACHOS!

Stenciled quote on recycled pallet by Janny over at Que Linda!  I love Janny's projects and this quote is so inspiring.

Legal stuff you need by Serendipity and Spice. All about copyrights, terms of use, privacy and other matters. Melissa has a "New Blogger" series going over there, so check it out. She's also linked up her great advice at my year-long linky party: the Blog Tips Cafe, so check that out, too.

Get ready for Easter! This adorable Carrot Scarf by Catch a Falling Star is so whimsical and perfect for the season!

And if you need a St. Patrick's Day menu, Creative "Try"als has everything you need. I love those Shamrock dinner rolls! 

Some of my favorite projects are featured in the Kiss Me I'm Irish Artist Talent Album on Facebook, so go check those out. And some of you are on my Pinterest page, so check that out, too!

All of you featured here, on Facebook or on Pinterest are STARS at I Gotta Create! Grab your feature button!

Now... Go link up your creations for the final week of the Kiss Me I'm Irish! theme. It doesn't have to be strictly a St. Patty's Day project, but it does need to be something you created yourself!


  1. Thank you so much for the mention!! I'm loving so many of the link ups on your party. I'll have to spend some more time browsing them tonight again.

    Thank you,
    Janelle @ Emmaline

  2. Great features, but I gotta head right to checkout that little minty chocolate number.


  3. Thanks so much for featuring my legal tips!

  4. Thank you very much for feature my carrot scarf. You are so sweet!

  5. Thanks for making me a star for the week! I always enjoy reading your comments at my blog. Likewise, I enjoy seeing all your creative projects too.


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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