Creative Evolution

I wasn't going to say all this, but I just gotta....

One of the first blogs I ran across that hooked me was Funky Junk Interiors.  I love Donna's style. When she started her 31-day series, I was still very, very new, and didn't even know what this 31-day thing was.  But with her very first post, I related to the dilemma expressed: I have two sides of me, too!  The one that goes to work by day, and the creative dreamer since childhood doing little projects {or designing and building a house!!} wherever and whenever I could fit it in. 

As I read, I found myself catching fire and cheering Donna on.  With every informative and encouraging post, and me in the peanut gallery shouting some encouragement back, something started to click for me about investing more seriously into this aspect of myself. 

But it was Donna's post on Being Original that really lit me up, because it spoke directly to my core.  I love the creative process, whether I am tackling a more left-brained, logical process in my paying job, or working on a 'creative' project. I love learning, stretching, growing...I'm not much of a settler for the status quo... 

Her Gutsy Junk Challenge galvanized me to action.  I commented back, "You're on!!" So now I had to follow through.  What happened was confirming beyond what I could have imagined.  First and foremost, just the fun of walking around my house, thinking, "How could I see that {fill-in-the-blank} differently?" It was amazing and liberating. I highly recommend it! Inspiration struck and that crazy little Silverware Turkey was born. 

It's been trotting across the internet ever since, getting features and registering page views I wouldn't have thought possible.  I didn't realize that my comment to Donna would be applicable so soon:  "You never know which original idea is going to be the one that POPS!"

That exercise got my brain generating ideas galore. I wish I had more time to enact them!  What I am doing is moving into this space more intentionally now.  I now have a sponsor because I repeatedly used and love a product of theirs {June Tailor's colorfast computer printer fabric sheets}.

I'm still struggling with the learning curve on the technology tools. I installed Google Analytics but haven't quite figured it out.  I want to makeover my site and will be thinking about the look and feel I truly want to create. 

And wow, my head is spinning with all the things I've tried to absorb, from advertising to e-books {a major dream of mine has been to write a book!!} and all the rest... Donna's last series post and final question to us was: "What did this series do for you and what changes have you made?" My answer: All of the above and so much more--with additional ideas and plans in the incubator!  And I just had to say it out loud.

So, as we move into the season of Thanksgiving, I just gotta express my gratitude to Donna-- and the friends she invited to shared their wisdom-- for inspiring me when I didn't even know that was exactly, spot-on what I needed at this very moment.


Q: What creative evolution are YOU undergoing?


  1. Anonymous31.10.11

    Just popped over from Donna's 31 days, and read your post, amazing how Donna has inspired so many. I'm new to blogging and all the info is just spinning around in my head. and I loved your turkey!

  2. Wow... now that was some dedication! :) I'm so very happy for you Christina! It does me proud to see the fire lit inside you!

    Keep at it and don't stop. I can't wait to see what other major creative explosion you come up with next. Whadda ride, huh? :)


  3. Oh my are the fabulous creative talent behind the silverware turkey!? happy to meet you!


  4. Love the turkey and this post! Donna has a way to really get us all thinking and motivated in so many ways! t.xoxxo

  5. Love your turkey and fun creative spirit! Go girl!!!

  6. Christina..Here I am reading the blog tips and land on this post...funny how THAT DONNA gets around huh? She was the one who helped me whip my blog in shape. She is UBER-SUPER helpful when it comes to blogging questions...this was over a year ago, but without her advice, I think my blog would still be dinky in width and all chaotic looking...still I could use some tips here and there, thus, my crashing your party!!

    I raise my cup of warm mocha to both of you!!!..and your linked tipsters!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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