Ever Feel Like This?

I've been curled up hiding away {but not looking so cute} because I've been under the weather since Friday. I'm not good at feeling bad. I always try to fight it. I have a hard time accepting and surrendering...there's always so much to do! 

To my credit, I did leave work early and came home and slept like I hadn't in 5 years. To my relief, my Friday post had already been completed and scheduled. To my demise, I tried to work some on the blog Saturday {or was it Sunday? It's a blur...} and ended up deleting a few very key photos. This added to my headache and dizziness. Lesson: don't try to work or blog when you're under the weather.  

I'm still feeling crummy, so I will resume with the crafty, creative content soon. In the meantime, I need a good remedy for dizziness. It's the worst!

Q: What do you do when you're under the weather?
How 'bout browsing some great projects here at I Gotta Create! for a little 'pick-me-up'....


  1. Oh So CUTE!!!! You should stop in and see our Newest Family Member that I just posted about today... :) It might help with your not feeling good... I do hope you begin to feel better soon.... :)

  2. Oh no, you're the second blogger this week to be dizzy. I wish I had a cure. Keep your eyes closed and don't drive that way.


  3. When I'm under the weather, I'm afraid to say that first I bitc...uh, act really crabby. Then I sleep.

    If you're dizzy, you might want to be checked out for an ear infection.

    Feel better soon!

  4. Christina, So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! I've had the dizzies before and every time it's been ear related. Praying you feel better soon.

  5. Christina, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. If you have cold like symptoms or you are congested, sometimes it will affect your ears, which will give you vertigo (dizzy feeling). Try Benadryl or some type of medicine with an antihistamine. If it continues, there are exercises that you can actually do that will get all those little hairs in your ears going the right direction again! Just "google vertigo exercise". Hope this helps and your back at it again soon.

  7. Christina, I'm so sorry you're under the weather. Hopefully, by now you're
    feeling better?? Take care and feel better soon,

  8. Thank you for the sweet wishes! I believe I'm back on my feet :) Thanks for the advice, Mandy!!!
    <3 Christina

  9. hope you feel better soon. Just adore the kitty photo !


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