Fresh New Year: Blogging Tips & Resolutions Cafe

We're sharing a wealth of insight, aspirations, and wisdom at this special linky party for the 2012 New Year!  
     Do you have a tip about: 
taking or editing photos, linking up to parties, comment etiquette, using google analytics, creating buttons or banners, and so forth? 
     Link up and let us visit you to learn your blogging tips and trade secrets. It doesn't have to be a new post - your wisdom will be new to many of us who are in different phases of the blogging life.
     Have you set a New Year's resolution for your blogging adventure? Share it here. This is also a place to inspire one another and keep things fresh. 
     Tell us what you love about blogging, or even what's difficult.

{If it's not a tip about blogging, link it up to my weekly party!}


  1. Oh goodness... I don't think I have any Blogging tips... :) I am such a BAD blogger.. So I will very much look forward reading all the fun tips that filter in...

  2. Fantastic linky party! Thanks for hosting. I'm really enjoying reading everyone's posts here. Happy New Year!

  3. Great Party idea. Thank you for hosting. I have linked up.

    Found you through Debbiedoos Newbie Party.

  4. Oh man, as a brand new blogger, I'm the LAST person you want to ask for advice. ;) I really appreciate being able to get some new ideas for how to be better at this and it's nice to learn from the work of others rather than stumble along and make mistakes that could have been avoided. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  5. I always like to here new blogging tips! Can wait to look a these!

  6. I found a couple of tips and wanted to pass them on, the post will help you with your Followers button. Sometimes just finding an answer can help, so that's my contribution. This is a terrific theme linkup, Christina.

  7. Boy, I have learned A LOT of new stuff today that I have been wanting to do. Thanks for hosting this party.

  8. Thank you for hosting this link party! I have already learned a lot and I've only looked at a couple of the links so far.

  9. This is a great idea and thank you for hosting. I have ups and downs on keeping up with blogging. I love to do it, just trying to be organized and using good time management. I start blog hoping and the time just flies, opps!! But I have found if I am working on more than one project, I like to create several posts and schedule them to post on different days. Well that is my little tip but I know there is a lot more to learn from this party!!
    Take care

  10. Awesome idea for a linky party! We all need some advice!
    happy New Year,

  11. This is a great idea for a party. I know I will learn by reading the lined up posts.

    I found your "name" tip to be helpful. Never thought about this before. I am going to look at my blog to see how easy it is or isn't to determine who I am.

    I need to learn how to leave a "title" for the post I linked. I see all it says is "Susan."

    Last February I read almost 100 blog posts and found 7 things that determined how long I stayed at a person's blog.

  12. We're getting some GREAT tips! Thank you everyone! I'm learning and trying new things :) There is only one correction I found in trying out the very last point in Tip #5 link. To open that new window Michelle speaks of, between those pointy brackets <>I had to type this: a href="http://your specific link text here.html" target="_blank"

  13. I feel a little silly. I was blogging late and didn't read very well. Please feel free to remove my 40 by 40 post-those are my personal resolutions. I did link some posts about blogging tips.

  14. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!

  15. Thank you for this useful linky party. As a newbie it was so useful.

  16. OK - Now I've posted something that is actually about improving your blog! Thanks for the great blog help party!

  17. One tip that I can offer is. . I do notice that blogger blogs more readily appear in google searches. Even if you already have a website or blog, I would make another similar blog in blogger. Who wouldn't want to be under Google's radar?

  18. If you're in favour of economical variant of New-Year parties, then you should read this article with tips of how to arrang it:
    New Year Party

  19. Enjoyed reading this, I am very new to this blogging thing. I am curious to know if you can give me any insite on the advertising side. Do I have to wait awhile before I can get approved? You can find me over at
    I would love to know what you think. I will be back soon to visit!!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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