The Scarecrow That Didn't

A hat is one accessory no scarecrow should be without! For this Bold Crow, it made the perfect platform to build her nest. 

But wait a minute... that's no egg she's tending. Shiver me timbers, that's frightening!

Looks like she's picked clean the area residents. Alfred Hitchock would be proud. Watch out trick-or-treaters!

Gotta love how those bones dance and dangle, though.

I may dress up as the "Scarecrow That Didn't" for Halloween. If so, a couple more accessories and I'll be ready. 

Starring:  The Crow a.k.a. The Raven
Film Credits: 
Halloween Tree Reveal
Raven Lantern
Speaking of stars...This week I will be jetting over to Germany [virtually, of course] and guest starring at the very gorgeous and very elegant blogspot: {Nifty Thrifty Things}
Vanessa, the leading lady of Nifty Thrifty Things, will be jetting over to the U.S.A. [literally] and has generously lined up a cast of blogsters to fill in while she Takes Five. I'm in the lineup on October 27thThank you for the opportunity, Vanessa. I hope you have a fabulous vacation! 

Some of YOU will be starring here at I Gotta Create! Watch for the top vote getters from the Halloween Parade. Shall we highlight them on the 31st... or sooner? We'll see how long I can stand the suspense...


  1. That's the best Halloween hat I've ever seen. Love the crow on it. Thanks for visiting and I'll check out your cat and the hedge apple.

  2. WOW - that hat is amazing.. LOVE IT.. : 0)

  3. What an awesome hat! Happy Halloween!



  4. Very unique and very fun! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!


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