Bloggy Love

Boy am I feeling the love! Thanks for the encouragement, blogsters and friends! In the few weeks that I've put myself out there more publicly, I've had projects featured four times, two gracious people conferred an award upon me, many of you have signed up or subscribed as followers, left comments, or shared your stuff at my monthly link party... all of which makes me feel like a superstar! I'm so appreciative!

{Added to this love-fest, I anticipate making a guest appearance on a blog to be mentioned in the near future. **Excitement**}

If you don't already have these great sites on your list, I encourage you to go knock on the doors of Mandy at The Project Queen {who featured me twice! i feel so special};  Mary at A Very Merry Vintage Style; and over at the Nest of Posies. Thank you for the features!
As for the Versatile Blogger Award, stop by and visit Rhonda at The Messy Roost and Bethany at A Fish Who Likes Flowers, both of whom are fabulous and bestowed this kind encouragement upon me. 
Here are the rules of the Versatile Blogger Award as they were conveyed to me. 
1. Thank & link back to the person who gave the award to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Send it along to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

My 7 Things:
1. My husband is the best guy on the planet.
2. I love tea and must have a cup or two each morning! (first things first in the morning)
3. I love chocolate. Any kind will do. Any time.
4. I get to make a positive difference in my full time job (60 hours this week - whew!).
5. I got my artsy-craftsy gene from my momma. 
6. As a child I would draw room layouts & closet layouts for fun. 
7. This probably explains the bit about me designing our home {and I will say... yes you CAN put algebra & geometry to use later in life}!

I'm paying it forward to these bloggers, some of whom are relatively new like me:

For new bloggers it takes time and practice to find your voice and style--let alone get the hang of all these technology tools. If you see a glimmer of something you like, hang with us for awhile as we blossom!


  1. I love this superstar gal and you certainly are one. I am so happy to see you spread your wings and love to see all the cool stuff you are finding to bring into the world. I just love you Christina.

  2. Oh, wow! I am so flattered, Christina!! So honored... thank you!!

  3. Oh, how fun! Thank you so much for the award! I am so honored...

  4. Wow! Thanks for the award! That means so much. Really, thank you.


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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