Cheeky Aprons

Get ready for a cheeky Mother’s Day!  Today I put a saucy twist on an iconic accessory of motherhood: the apron. These altered aprons bloom with color and verve this early spring. 
vintage ad images are cropped, paired with a sassy saying, and inkjet printed on special fabric

I have the fondest memories of my Granny wrapping one of her many beautiful aprons around my little waist as we prepared to make chocolate chip cookies. With her tender way, she made it such a loving and lovely ritual.

And yet I also grew up in a time when my mother couldn’t secure her own small bank loan simply because she was female, even though she brought in her own steady paycheck. Thankfully that shifted while I was growing up.

These aprons reflect a bit of the spicy dichotomy many women experience: a 'pull' toward and celebration of the nurturer’s role, and a 'push' away from being confined and solely defined by it. Added is an ode to the caffeine it often takes to be able to manage it all.

Perfectly sassy, these women bring out a playfulness when it's time to break out the nurturer!

Q: Speaking of caffeine, what's your favorite vice? Speaking of sass, when are you apt to be a bit cheeky?  
edit: you might also enjoy my:


  1. You're so right that aprons are intimate, worn only in the privacy of the kitchen, by those preparing to nurture themselves and others. These creations add another layer of meaning, I love them. Roma

  2. Wow so cute aprons. Wearing them is what a motivation to cook :)

  3. I sooooooooo want these aprons how did you do it?

  4. Love these aprons! I'd have to have the first one - Coffee, 2 cups, FIRST thing in the mornings!

  5. These are great! Thanks for sharing them with us :)

  6. These are all so fun and so pretty! It's one thing I don't own. My husband does the cooking but I could at least look cute, right? ;) Thanks so much for sharing your creativity today and for saying "hi"! Now I can't resist taking a look around to catch up!

    Have a wonderful week, Christina!

  7. I love these aprons too! I would also have the first but I like them all! Do you sell them Christina?

  8. love your sassy style ! I feel sassy when dressing up to go out for a night of fun and shoe can be a sassy accessory with a splash of sass

    Yea for the sassy sexy women out there ...we make the world more interesting and fun

    - KAT -

  9. I don't know if I can pick a favorite, love all of these aprons!

  10. These aprons have got to be the cutest things on the planet. I have to tell you that I've started to play a game with myself to try and guess which link is yours on the link parties. I'm always right- so far.

  11. These aprons have got to be the cutest things on the planet. I have to tell you that I've started to play a game with myself to try and guess which link is yours on the link parties. I'm always right- so far.

  12. These are so cute! Found you through 36th Ave. I'd love for you to link up to my party:

    Hope you've had a great weekend!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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