Welcome! What propels you to say: "I Gotta Create!"?

For you creative types: is it inevitable we find ourselves venturing into the big, wide 'virtual' world to share our creations? Even if you had doubts about having enough time, having to learn a whole new set of tools, and tendencies toward introversion, did you find those barriers gave way to that urge that proclaims, "I GOTTA CREATE!!"?

For me, that urge is quickened by those of you already 'out there' inspiring us all with your creations. I humbly join your ranks today. Thank you for being irrepressibly you.

And thank you for exploring this new space: a fresh creation in its own right.  May the range of designs that will be shared here --from collaging, to sewing, to cards and rubber stamping, to musings-- inspire you to express even more of your own creativity. My aim is to learn about this medium and its tools, while putting a little more joy, humor, beauty and good will out there in the ethers. 

Share with us: what pushes, pulls or moves you from the space of dreaming and imagining into the space of: "I gotta create!!"?  We can't wait to hear what you have to say! Take the quick poll below. [poll is now closed; results below] And click on the 'comments' to see and join the conversation.

I'm moved to actually create...

when I see something that inspires me

when it's for someone else

when I get lots of encouragement

when I'm up against deadlines




  1. Congrats on your new blog!!

  2. Okay, I created a google account so let's try this again. I love that you are doing this! You inspire me to create!

  3. Your page is beautiful! It loaded instantly...no problems. It feels so good that you are sharing your creations with the world and this page is such a wonderful expression of you...both the beauty and purpose. You go girl!!!

    I think what most drives me to create is a desire to serve others. Even recently, in working to create a feeling of happiness for myself, I find it useful to think of the ways in which my happiness will serve to bring joy to my loved ones to get me to take the actions.

    And then there's discomfort...discomfort is a pretty good motivator for me as well. I would like to think I'm more "enlightened" than that, but so many times in my life I have found myself feeling angry and uncomfortable and those feelings actually stop me from whatever I think I should be doing so I can listen inside to the part of me that needs to be expressed. Then, out come the pictures, the songs, the collage, the dancing in my livingroom etc. Is this familiar to anyone else???


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to talk to me. I love hearing from you and read every comment! <3 Christina

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